I loved it & the pic on it, but it weighs more than me!! I do use 2 hdmi cables when I use the amp and so forth. I just had my big crt hdtv 1080i 2004 panasonic 32" tv die. I noticed that some times the lips of the people on the screen, and the audio are not syced up. (Oh yeh I have the component pluged with my PS3) I want to know if I can split my hdmi out of my cable box. I currently can do this, but have I to pull the hdmi out of the amp and go into the cable box then to the TV. The amp/reciever is a JVC Rx D 402 Audio/Video control reciever(hybrid feedback digital amp) I want to watch cable with hdmi using amp/reciever on the weekends, and on the week days I like it quiet(tv speakers only) after work with out the amp.
It has 4 HDMI inputs, 1 component,1 vga,ant/cable in, and a usb port. I have a cox cable box(scientific atlanta HDTV explorer 8240 HDC. I am trying to hook up my cable box, TV, and reciever/amp.